The story of just.
Hi there. I’m Klaartje, proud mom of a son and a daughter, nutritionist, and down-to-earth Kempen resident with a soft spot for fresh and pure ingredients. With just., I want to help you cook healthy and delicious food without having to spend too much precious time in the kitchen.
Healthy and pure food
I like to keep it simple, using pure, fresh, organic and as many locally sourced ingredients as possible, and no added sugars. Our products are packed with vegetables, whole grains and legumes, and contain no E numbers or other eyebrow-raising ingredients. You could make them yourself, in your own kitchen, but let’s face it: you’d rather spend your precious time on the things that really make you happy, right?
Saving time and spending time together
Our goodies take very little time to prepare. All you have to do is heat them in the (microwave) oven or fry them in a pan or an airfryer. Want to serve up a healthy and tasty meal without having to spend hours in the kitchen? Good thinking, because it’s so much nicer to sit down at the table with your family and friends, and have a good time. Those are the moments to cherish and enjoy.
For every day …
just. products are incredibly versatile. You can serve them as an appetiser or after-school snack, but they’re also perfect for your lunches or dinners. Use them to get an extra portion of vegetables, or as a meat substitute. Moreover, you can incorporate them into a wide variety of dishes: from an easy wrap to an exotic stew. In short: they come in handy every day, and for every occasion.
… and for everyone
Our goodies are a hit with both kids and grown-ups. For example, our burgers contain no chunks, and we avoid using overwhelming spices or flavours that are too bold. If you like those, you can always add them yourself. You won’t find any products in our range that make you frown; just responsible food that will put a smile on your face. Bon appetit!
Delicious f(r)amily food.
That’s just.
Enjoying a nice meal together.
That, too, is just.
just. makes life easier and helps you choose well – for yourself, for your friends and family, and for our planet.